How healthy organizations achieve sustainable success

Graham Lowe will deliver a keynote address at the IPMA-Canada 2012 National Conference, Regina, 29 May 2012
Workplace expert Graham Lowe will challenge you to think about how organizations can become more sustainable in human terms. The key is designing a healthy organization. Just as healthy people are vigorous, thriving, resilient, and fit, Graham shows how you can foster the same qualities in your organizations. The session will describe the four building blocks of a healthy organization: a positive culture, an inclusive approach to leadership, a vibrant work environment, and inspired employees. By putting these building blocks in place, you will be able to forge stronger people-performance links that enable sustainable success.
For more information:

How healthy organizations achieve sustainable success

Presentation by Graham Lowe sponsored by NovaKnowledge.
Tuesday, June 14th, 11:30am for 12:00pm
The Neptune Theatre, Studio Theatre,
1593 Argyle Street, Halifax, NS
$40 for members and $60 for non-members
– Light lunch included
Please contact Stacy Barnes at:
902-494-1510 ext. 10 or by email at:

How Healthy Organizations Achieve Sustainable Success

Presentation at the Strategic Capability Network, Toronto, 24 February, 2011. For details and to register:
Workplace consultant Graham Lowe draws on his new book, Creating Healthy Organizations, to challenge you to think about business success in sustainable human terms. Graham will describe how healthy organizations take a holistic, integrated and long-term perspective to forge stronger links between people and performance.
Following his presentation, Graham will interview Mary C. Quinn, a Learning & Organizational Effectiveness Consultant at Trillium, to reveal how these changes were implemented and to capture general lessons about what contributes to sustainable success.