Innovative Strategies for Workforce and Workplace Renewal

Centre for Executive and Management Development, School of Business, University of Alberta. Half-day workshop.
This workshop is designed to provide human resource professionals with the ideas and tools they need to lead workforce and workplace renewal. A convergence of global economic forces, workforce demographics and rapidly changing skill requirements provide a unique opportunity – especially in Alberta – for organizational renewal. For this to happen, HR professionals must play a more strategic role by assessing strengths and weaknesses in current work systems, diagnosing future skill and learning needs, and anticipating the implications of demographic trends for people practices and productivity. Rather than adopting ‘best practices’ from elsewhere, this workshop will outline the guiding principles for developing customized solutions that address an organization’s current and future human resource needs.
To Register: fill out the attached form or visit
For more information please contact Sharon at: 780-492-8502 or e-mail:

Workshop registration form