Building healthy organizations for sustainable success

Graham will give a one-hour presentation to the Calgary branch of the Strategic Capability Network.
Date : April 17th, 2012
Time : doors open at 7:00 am, presentation runs from 7:30-8:30, Q&A until 8:45, networking until 9:30.
Place : Enbridge 18th floor, 425 – 1 Street SW
Cost : SCN Members- free; Non-member: $30 + GST.
A light breakfast will be offered.
Dress Code is Business Casual.
To Register: Visit our website at or leave a message at 403.217.2989

Building Healthy Organizations for Sustainable Success

Presentation by Graham Lowe at the Innovative Employer Roundtable, University of Kentucky Institite for Workplace Innovation, Louisville KY, October 13th, 2011.

Building Healthy Organizations for Sustainable Success

Keynote presentation by Graham Lowe at the Heart and Stroke Foundation Annual Workplace Wellness Conference, April 12, 2011, Moncton, NB