Psychological Health & Safety Pulse Check©

building Trust

Dr. Merv Gilbert and I are pleased to announce our new collaboration with Excellence Canada to offer organizations the Psychological Health & Safety Pulse Check.© Merv Gilbert is Director of Vancouver Psych Safety Consulting and one of Canada’s leading experts on healthy workplaces. The Psychological Health & Safety Pulse Check© (PH&S Pulse Check) is an employee survey that provides a quick assessment of the key workplace factors that strengthen psychological health and safety in organizations today.

About the PH&S Pulse Check
The Psychological Health & Safety Pulse Check© is an online diagnostic tool that asks employees about their perceptions of their work responsibilities, work relationships, and management support over the previous four weeks. The PH&S Pulse Check assesses key workplace factors identified in the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. In addition, there are five demographic questions that enable comparison across groups or departments, and one open-ended question asking for suggestions to improve psychological health and safety in the respondent’s workplace.

All items in the PH&S Pulse Check are actionable, designed to facilitate evidence-based action-planning. PH&S Pulse Check items were selected based on statistical analysis of a stratified sample of 5,010 working Canadians who completed the 2016 Guarding Minds@Work Employee Survey. Guarding Minds@Work is a widely used resource that has helped organizations to assess and enhance workplace psychological health and safety. PH&S Pulse Check items are highly correlated with trust, making the tool a good predictor of an organization’s underlying culture.

Using the PH&S Pulse Check
The PH&S Pulse Check will be administered by Excellence Canada. It takes about 10 minutes to complete. No personal information is collected; all responses are anonymous and confidential. This brief survey can be repeated to capture employees’ evolving experiences of the recovery phase of the pandemic and beyond. It can be used by any type, sector, or size of organization. In larger organizations, the PH&S Pulse Check can be used to compare differences between specific departments, work sites, occupational groups, or work situations (e.g., working from home vs on-site). It is available in English and French.

Clients will receive the following: On-line administration of the survey, ongoing response rate monitoring, secure data storage, and analysis of the results. A concise report of organizational-level results, highlighting strengths and opportunities for improvement. The report also includes practical recommendations, and suggestions for communicating results to employees and using results for action planning. Customization options (separately priced) include: Organization-specific language, format or demographics. A module (6 items) assessing employees’ preferences and concerns regarding post-pandemic work arrangements. Individualized reports for multiple departments or sites. Expert consultation on the action planning process.

Contact Russ Gahan at Excellence Canada for more information: