Creating a Quality Work Environment: Survey Results

Creating a Quality Work Environment
The Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA) conducted a Work Environment Survey to provide new evidence that can be used constructively to improve the work environments of HSAA members, and through this, contribute to health service excellence in Alberta. The 74-page report, Creating a Quality Work Environment: Results from the HSAA 2006 Work Environment Survey, is a basis for action within workplaces.
The survey provides the most reliable and comprehensive analysis ever conducted in Alberta of health care employees that included HSAA members. It examined work environment factors affecting the quality of work life, individual quality of work-life outcomes, and organizational outcomes.
The full report and a 1-page summary can be downloaded from this site, or at the HSAA website ( Also available on the HSAA website are a survey results for each of 14 employers.
Report text
Report overview

Creating Healthy Workplaces Summer Institute

RNAO Creating Healthy Work Places Summer Institute, 2006.
Graham Lowe will be making presentations and facilitating workshops at the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario’s 2006 Summer Institute. Topics include: “Strategic planning framework for workplace revitalization” and “Creating Healthy Work Environments.”
Pinestone Inn, Haliburton, Ontario.
June 5 and 6, 2006.

Practical Steps for Creating Healthy Organizations

PRACTICAL STEPS FOR CREATING HEALTHY ORGANIZATIONS:From Words to Action. This half-day workshop by Graham Lowe helps employers, managers, HR professionals, occupational health and EAP staff answer the question: "How can we design effective strategies to make organizations healthier and more productive?"
May 25, 2006. 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
(registration and continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m.)
Location: University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Business/IT Building, 2000 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario.
Registration fee $50.00 per person.
Registration fee includes a continental breakfast and workshop materials.
Call 905.666.6241 or 1.800.841.2729 or visit
.ca by Thursday, May 11, 2006.
Workshop brochure

Strategies for Creating Healthy Organizations

Creating a healthy and productive organization requires “transformational change” in jobs, workplace culture, organizational systems and management practices. Graham Lowe provides the guiding principles and tools that will help organizational stakeholders design and implement a successful healthy workplace strategy. He will draw on the latest theories, research and case studies to identify change barriers and success factors, with an emphasis on the cultural foundations, values, relationships, and leadership.
Presentation sponsored by the British Columbia Human Resource Management Association.
Kelowna, BC, 9:00-10:30 am. May 4, 2006.

High-Trust Cultures = Health and Performance

Graham Lowe and Jen Sulkers will offer this session at the Industrial Accident Prevention Association annual conference. Toronto Convention Centre.
Great workplaces are built on trust – the cornerstone of organizational health and performance. This is a key insight from the Great Place to Work® Institute’s research on the fundamentals of great workplaces. High-trust relationships require behaviours that can be learned, mastered, and embedded in an organization’s culture. This session shares lessons about how leading employers create and maintain high-trust cultures, drawing on the best cultural practices of organizations on the Institute’s ‘best workplaces’ lists in Canada, the US and 24 other countries. The session’s goal is to help participants chart their own route to a great workplace.

Building High-Trust Cultures: Applying Lessons from Great Workplaces

Graham Lowe and Jen Sulkers will offer this interactive workshop at the Industrial Accident Prevention Association annual conference. Toronto Convention Centre.
A Great Place to Work® is one where employees trust the people they work for, have pride in what they do and enjoy the people with whom they work. Join us for this interactive workshop to explore innovative best practices used by organizations identified by Great Place to Work® Institute’s research for the 2006 Canadian Business list of Best Workplaces in Canada, and similar lists published in the US by Fortune magazine and the Society for Human Resource Management and in the UK by the Financial Times. You will gain an understanding of the transformational process required to create and sustain a trust-based workplace. Apply these principles to your own organization, you will identify the steps needed to build a culture that is high-trust, high-performing, and healthy.

Making a measurable difference: evaluating quality of work life interventions

Across the country, nurses and other front-line health system workers are taking actions to improve the quality of their work environment. A high quality work environment is being accepted, albeit slowly, as a prerequisite for building the human resource capacity needed to sustain the health system. As more time and money are invested in trying to improve the quality of work life for Canada’s health-care workers, it is crucial to know whether progress is being made. The key question that must be answered is, “Are we making a measurable difference for individual employees, patients, and the organization?”
For full text (english)
For full text (french)