Graham Lowe is a panel presenter on this topic at the 2012 Health Care Human Resources Leadership Symposium, sponsored by the Ontario Hospital Association. Toronto, 17 October, 2012. For more information:
How Ready are You for an Older Workforce?
Graham Lowe will present a keynote on the urgency of adapting to an older workforce to the Conference Board of Canada’s Council of HR Executives, Toronto, October 11, 2012.
Healthy Minds/Healthy Campuses Summit 2012
Healthy Minds/Healthy Campuses Summit 2012, Victoria, September 26-29, 2012. Graham Lowe will participate in a panel discussion on “Diagnosing a Healthy Campus Community.” Summit 2012 is a unique opportunity to design a shared vision for campus communities that support well-being and to identify methods to get there. Building upon four years of growth and learning, […]
The Relationship Between Employee Engagement and Human Capital Performance
The Ontario Hospital Association has published this report, which summarizes findings from the OHA exploratory research project conducted with three pilot hospitals (one acute teaching, one community, and one small). The project examines the relationship between employee engagement and several key human resources (HR) metrics. This is the first attempt by the OHA to link […]
Do leaders matter?
The Better Workplace Conference (Oct 16-18 in Vancouver) posted a blog on its Facebook page by Guatam Mukunda, who suggests that leaders matter less than we may think. Mukunda offers and important counterpoint to the “great man” (invariably) model of corporate leadership that has prevailed in business literature. But he overstates the case that leaders […]
Does Marissa Mayer’s appointment as Yahoo! CEO mark progress for work-life balance?
Marissa Mayer’s appointment last week as the new CEO of Yahoo! is a sign of progress for women in high-tech. A trail-blazer as the first female engineer hired by Google, Mayer now becomes one of Silicon Valley’s corporate leaders. At a time when just 10% to 20% of upper management and corporate board positions in […]
How Employee Engagement Matters for Hospital Performance
Managers increasingly understand that employee engagement is a prerequisite for high performance. This article examines how job, work environment, management and organizational factors influence levels of engagement among healthcare employees. Original data come from the Ontario Hospital Association-NRC Picker Employee Experience Survey, involving over 10,000 employees in 16 Ontario hospitals. The article provides a clear […]
How healthy organizations achieve sustainable success
Graham Lowe will deliver a keynote address at the IPMA-Canada 2012 National Conference, Regina, 29 May 2012 Workplace expert Graham Lowe will challenge you to think about how organizations can become more sustainable in human terms. The key is designing a healthy organization. Just as healthy people are vigorous, thriving, resilient, and fit, Graham shows […]
How work environment metrics can improve health-care performance
Metrics matter. The biggest gap in measuring the performance of healthcare organizations is the quality of the work environment. This article makes the case for a common, national framework for measuring and reporting healthcare work environments.
Building healthy organizations for sustainable success
Graham will give a one-hour presentation to the Calgary branch of the Strategic Capability Network. Date : April 17th, 2012 Time : doors open at 7:00 am, presentation runs from 7:30-8:30, Q&A until 8:45, networking until 9:30. Place : Enbridge 18th floor, 425 – 1 Street SW Cost : SCN Members- free; Non-member: $30 + […]