Keynote presentation at workshop on “Health : An Unavoidable Issue for Businesses in 2010”, part of the 2010 Quebec Annual Days of Public Health. Quebec City, November 24, 2010
Leading the Way to a Healthy Organization
Session presentation at 2010 CSTD (Canadian Society for Training and Development) conference. Toronto, 18 November, 2010. For more information:
Creating Healthy Organizations
Presentation at the”Research-to-Practice” day. Canadian Society for Training and Development 2010 annual conference. Toronto, November 17, 2010. For more information:
Reducing Stigma: Actions to Achieve Workplace Wellbeing
Presentation at the 5th Annual Mental Health in the Workplace Forum, Rotman School, University of Toronto. 20 October 2010
Measuring the Patient, Employee and Physician Experience
Presentation at the Ontario Hospital Association Conference on Bill 46, Excellent Care for All Act: Implications for Your Organization’s Quality Agenda. Toronto, 15 October 2010. Webcasts of all conference presentations are available at the Ontario Hospital Association’s Knowledge Centre (
Creating Healthy Organizations
Keynote presentation by Graham Lowe at the “Creating a Healthy Workplace Culture” Symposium. Sponsored by the Peterborough Health At Work Committee. Peterborough Golf & Country Club. Thursday, October 21, 2010. For more information:
5th Annual Mental Health in the Workplace Forum
5th Annual Mental Health in the Workplace Forum at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Wednesday, October 20, 2010. 5:00 to 6:15pm. TOPIC: We Don’t Want to Know: The Stigma of Mental Health Issues in the Workplace and What We Can Do About It SPEAKERS: Graham Lowe, PhD, President, The Graham Lowe Group, Professor […]
How to Create a Healthier Organization
Session presentation at Health, Work and Wellness Conference. MoreVancouver, October 1, 2010. For more information, go to the conference website:
How telework can improve performance and wellbeing
Telework isn’t just another job perk. Companies need to position telework within their workforce engagement strategy, because it has good potential to improve both performance and wellbeing by giving employees greater job control.
Better to develop a healthy culture rather than a culture of health
There’s a big difference between a culture of health and a healthy culture. The more powerful approach is to foster a healthy culture, which goes beyond employee wellness programs by putting in place organizational supports needed for employees to thrive in their jobs.