Presentation by Graham Lowe at Partners in Prevention 2010: Ontario Health & Safety Conference & Trade Show. Toronto. 4 May 2010. Outline: Workplace expert Graham Lowe will share insights from his new book, Creating Healthy Organizations. Just as healthy people are vigorous, thriving, resilient, and fit, Graham will outline how the same healthy qualities describe […]
How a healthy organization achieves sustainable business success
Leadership Summit keynote talk by Graham Lowe at Partners in Prevention 2010: Ontario Health & Safety Conference & Trade Show. Toronto. 3 May 2010. Outline: Workplace consultant Graham Lowe draws on his new book, Creating Healthy Organizations, to challenge you to think about business success in sustainable human terms. Graham will describe how healthy organizations […]
What you can do to create a healthier organization
Pre-conference workshop at the Alberta Council of Disability Services (ACDS)annual conference. Edmonton, 12 April 2010. For further information:
A Framework for Public Reporting on Healthy Work Environments in Ontario Healthcare Settings
The purpose of this report is to inform the development of a comprehensive framework for assessing and publicly reporting the quality of work environments in Ontario’s healthcare organizations. The report synthesizes relevant research on healthy work environments with a focus on the healthcare sector, compares concepts and tools used to measure healthy work environments in […]
Health Canada April 1
for downloading
How Work Environment Metrics Can Improve Healthcare Performance
Presentation by Graham Lowe, to the Health System Performance Research Network, University of Toronto. 17 March 2010 This presentation outlines a comprehensive framework for assessing, reporting and improving the quality of work environments in healthcare organizations in Ontario and across Canada. Drawing on evidence showing that healthy work environments (HWE) contribute to positive outcomes for […]
Using Common Work Environment Metrics to Improve Performance in Healthcare Organizations
Presentation by Graham Lowe to the Health System Performance Research Network, University of Toronto. March 17, 2010. Further information is available on the HSPRN website: Presentation Outline: This presentation outlines a comprehensive framework for assessing, reporting and improving the quality of work environments in healthcare organizations in Ontario and across Canada. Drawing on evidence […]
How a healthy organization achieves sustainable success
Keynote talk by Graham Lowe at the Canadian Career Development Foundation workshop, on Worker Satisfaction and Retention. Ottawa, 9 March 2010. For further information:
Job quality: What is it, why does it matter, and how can it be improved?
Plenary presentation by Graham Lowe at the Institute for Work & Health. 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. November 17, 2009. Institute for Work & Health, 481 University Avenue, Suite 800, Toronto (Directions). To confirm your attendance, please RSVP to Lyudmila Mansurova ( or 416-927-2027 ext. 2137). Job quality: What is it, why does it matter, and […]
Strategies to Strengthen the People, Performance, and Quality Chain
Session presentation by Graham Lowe at Health Achieve 2009. Tuesday November 17 2009 – 1:30pm to 3:00pm. Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 205 D Presiding: Rob Devitt President & CEO Toronto East General Hospital Achieving High Quality, Performance and Engagement Evidence shows there is a direct link between effective health care and a healthy health care […]