Preserving Organizational Health in an Economic Downturn. Presentation by Graham Lowe, “New Economics of Workplace Health and Well-Being”, a conference sponsored by The Conference Board of Canada. Calgary, 29 April 2009. Graham provides a practical, evidence-based guide to creating and sustaining healthy organizations during tough economic times.
People & Performance: Building Alberta’s Future Construction Workforce
People & Performance: Building Alberta’s Future Construction Workforce is a discussion paper on how the global construction sector is addressing workforce development issues. It makes recommendations for how building trades unions, contractors, clients, government and other industry stakeholders in Alberta can strengthen the links between human resources and industry performance. The paper was commissioned by […]
How to strengthen the people-performance link in the healthcare quality chain
Graham Lowe’s keynote at the Quality Worklife – Quality Healthcare Collaborative’s 3rd annual Summit, March 2009, explores what energizes a : people-performance-quality chain in healthcare. He shows how innovation, renewal and sustainability in healthcare depend on all of us doing a better job leveraging the dynamics of quality. Drawing on evidence and successful practices from […]
Webinar: Preserving organizational health in an economic crisis
Human Resources Professionals Association is sponsoring this live webinar presented by Merv Gilbert, Graham Lowe and Martin Shain. Time: 12 – 1:30 pm (Eastern time). April 2, 2009 Cost: $59 for HRPA members, $89 for non-members Overview: The global economic crisis threatens years of strategic investments employers have made to create engaged and capable workforces. […]
How to strengthen the people-performance link in the healthcare quality chain
Graham Lowe’s keynote at the Quality Worklife – Quality Healthcare Collaborative’s 3rd annual Summit, March 2009, explores what energizes a : people-performance-quality chain in healthcare. He shows how innovation, renewal and sustainability in healthcare depend on all of us doing a better job leveraging the dynamics of quality. Drawing on evidence and successful practices from […]
How can you create and maintain a safety culture?
Graham Lowe’s PowerPoint presentation for the Accreditation Canada webinar on safety culture, 15 January 2009.
The Healthy Organization: Creating Vibrant Workplaces That Inspire Employees
Presentation by Graham Lowe at the Health System Group’s 30th Anniversary celebration for clients, Calgary, December 4, 2008. Graham’s presentation presents his latest thinking about the ingredients of a healthy organization and how these drive wellbeing and performance.
The Healthy Organization: Creating Vibrant Workplaces That Inspire Employees
Presentation by Graham Lowe at the Health System Group's 30th Anniversary celebration for clients, Calgary, December 4, 2008. Graham's presentation presents his latest thinking about the ingredients of a healthy organization and how these drive wellbeing and performance.
How can you create and maintain a safety culture?
Accreditation Canada sponsors a 90 minute webinar by Graham Lowe. 11:00 a.m. (EST), January 15th, 2009. Cost: $99. Who should attend?: Anyone directly involved in a quality or safety initiative through committees or as part of their role as quality managers, HR representatives or workplace health and safety representatives and frontline supervisors and/or managers who […]
Building Healthy Organisations: The New Frontier
Keynote presentation at the 8th National Conference on Workplace Health Promotion, Singapore. November 20, 2008. For additional information on the conference and on workplace health promotion in Singapore: