Graham Lowe’s video on workplace change is available from LifeSpeak as part of their LifeSpeak On Demand video series. See:
Creating a Vibrant Workplace
This article describes 5 principles HR professionals can follow to build the foundations for sustainable success. A sustainable organization succeeds by renewing and replenishing its human and social capital.
Building Healthy and Sustainable Health Care Organizations
This article outlines how health care employers can be leaders in creating healthy, humanly sustainable organizations. Doing so will benefit patients, employees and physicians, and society.
Healthy Organizations Inspire Learning and Collaboration
Feature article in Canadian Society for Training and Development (CSTD) September 29, 2010, newsletter. For more information on CSTD:
Mapping a healthy change trajectory
This article in the August 9, 2010, issue of Canadian HR Reporter describes 5 principles to guide the development and implementation of healthy organizational change.
Using common work environment metrics to improve performance in healthcare organizations
This article proposes a comprehensive framework for assessing, reporting and improving the quality of work environments in healthcare organizations across Canada. Healthy work environments (HWE) contribute to positive outcomes for healthcare employees and physicians. The same HWE ingredients also can reduce operating costs, improve human resource utilization, and ultimately lead to higher quality patient care. […]
Inclusive wellness
This article argues that in order to achieve a national healthy workplace agenda, health promotion efforts and resources must be directed to employers of all sizes.
Inclusive wellness
To achieve a national healthy workplace agenda, health promotion efforts and resources must be directed to employers of all sizes.
Inclusive wellness
To achieve a national healthy workplace agenda, health promotion efforts and resources must be directed to employers of all sizes.
Getting a grip on stress
Work stress often gets labelled a 21st century epidemic. However, increased employer attention on creating healthier work environments may be helping to get stress under control.Theres only one way to know whether the stress landscape is changing: track national trends using best available data, which come from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). The CCHS […]