Best workplaces have a corporate culture of open and honest communication.
Raising the Bar for People Practices: Helping All Health Organizations Become “Preferred Employers”
This article outlines how professional, employer, industry and government organizations across Canada can collaborate to raise the bar for human resource practices and the quality of work life in Canada’s health care organizations. Published in Healthcare Quarterly, Volume 8 Number 1, 2005.
The language of productivity is the language of workplace health
The same workplace practices that lead to increased employee health also lead to greater productivity and performance. A healthy work environment is the precondition for generating skills and knowledge, collaborative relationships, change readiness, and innovation.
Employee assistance professionals’ role in creating healthy, productive organizations
Underlying workplace conditions have a much greater impact on employees’ productivity and health than individual behaviour. Employee assistance professionals can help redefine workplace health as a strategic issue that affects corporate costs and organizational results. This article examines how EA professionals can expand their role in this way.
The yin and yang of change
The key to a better workplace is achieving balance between the structural and cultural forces at play.
Trust can ease the stress
This article argues that healthy workplaces start with healthy work relationships. It also provides guiding principles for creating healthy workplaces.
Correlates of employees’ perceptions of a healthy work environment
This study analyzed correlates of workers’ perceptions of the extent to which their work environment is healthy, and how these perceptions influence job satisfaction, employee commitment, workplace morale, absenteeism and intent to quit. The study supports a comprehensive model of workplace health that targets working conditions, work relationships and workplace organization for health promotion interventions.
Building healthy organizations takes more than wellness programs
This article lays out the ingredients of a healthy organization, how this is a step beyond ‘workplace healthy promotion’, and the change strategies required to get there.
The quality of work features prominently in Europe’s plans for competitiveness
The European Union’s goal of becoming the world’s most competitive knowledge-based economy by 2010 will depend, in part, on achieving its ambitious goals for improving the overall quality of jobs.
Retiring baby boomers open to options, but get them before they leave.
Now is the time to rethink retirement, so that workforce renewal is orderly, planned and responsive to the needs of people and organizations.