BC Human Resources Management Association Breakfast Roundtable, Kelowna February 19th, 2014. To register: https://eweb.bchrma.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?webcode=EventInfo&RegPath=EventRegFees&REg_evt_key=69b029d2-8ede-4ff1-bbef-7f759fa0302e&Evt_guest_limit=0 Workplace expert Graham Lowe will review the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, introduced this year by the Canadian Standards Association and the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Graham will outline how the Standard can […]
Graham Lowe Presents ‘The Wellness Dividend’
Dr. Lowe will share evidence-based insights from current research, to help employers build stronger links between health, safety and wellness initiatives and the organization’s core HR goals. The Better Workplace Conference 2013, Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, Oct 16-18 More Information
How to Create a Healthier Organization: Actions for Sustainable Success
Interactive workshop facilitated by Graham Lowe at the 45th Banff International Conference on Behavioural Science: Psychological Health in the Workplace. Banff, AB, March 17-20, 2013. For more information: www.banffcentre.ca/conferences/2013/BVS1303/
Rethinking Work: Designing Jobs for Well-being and Prosperity
Keynote presentation by Graham Lowe at the 45th Banff International Conference on Behavioural Science: Psychological Health in the Workplace. Banff, AB, March 17-20, 2013. For more information: www.banffcentre.ca/conferences/2013/BVS1303/
Linking employee engagement and organizational metrics
Graham Lowe is a panel presenter on this topic at the 2012 Health Care Human Resources Leadership Symposium, sponsored by the Ontario Hospital Association. Toronto, 17 October, 2012. For more information: www.oha.com/HMM
How Ready are You for an Older Workforce?
Graham Lowe will present a keynote on the urgency of adapting to an older workforce to the Conference Board of Canada’s Council of HR Executives, Toronto, October 11, 2012.
How healthy organizations achieve sustainable success
Graham Lowe will deliver a keynote address at the IPMA-Canada 2012 National Conference, Regina, 29 May 2012 Workplace expert Graham Lowe will challenge you to think about how organizations can become more sustainable in human terms. The key is designing a healthy organization. Just as healthy people are vigorous, thriving, resilient, and fit, Graham shows […]
Building healthy organizations for sustainable success
Graham will give a one-hour presentation to the Calgary branch of the Strategic Capability Network. Date : April 17th, 2012 Time : doors open at 7:00 am, presentation runs from 7:30-8:30, Q&A until 8:45, networking until 9:30. Place : Enbridge 18th floor, 425 – 1 Street SW Cost : SCN Members- free; Non-member: $30 + […]
CoreHealth : The Expert is IN Webinar
CoreHealth : The Expert is IN Webinar. Tuesday, December 6, 2011 10:05 AM – 11:05 AM PST Presentations by Graham Lowe on “How Vibrant Workplaces Inspire Employees to Achieve Sustainable Success” and by Allan Smofsky and Debra Welsh, on : Improving Health & Well-Being in the Workplace: A cross-border approach.” To register: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/336195618
Fostering Shared Responsibility for Building Healthier Organizations
Keynote talk by Graham Lowe at the Conference Board of Canada’s Council on Workplace Health and Wellness meeting in Calgary AB. October 21st, 2011.