American Express Company and FlexPaths, LLC have published a report, Creating Sustainable Organizations, that provides innovative insights to creating an integrated approach to workplace health promotion, flexible work arrangements and employee engagement. Written by Graham Lowe, the report focuses on the link between overall wellbeing of employees, including mental and physical health, work and personal […]
Measuring the Patient, Employee and Physician Experience
Presentation at the Ontario Hospital Association Conference on Bill 46, Excellent Care for All Act: Implications for Your Organization’s Quality Agenda. Toronto, 15 October 2010. Webcasts of all conference presentations are available at the Ontario Hospital Association’s Knowledge Centre (
Reducing Stigma: Actions to Achieve Workplace Wellbeing
Presentation at the 5th Annual Mental Health in the Workplace Forum, Rotman School, University of Toronto. 20 October 2010
Job quality: What is it, why does it matter, and how can it be improved?
Plenary presentation by Graham Lowe at the Institute for Work & Health. 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. November 17, 2009. Institute for Work & Health, 481 University Avenue, Suite 800, Toronto (Directions). To confirm your attendance, please RSVP to Lyudmila Mansurova ( or 416-927-2027 ext. 2137). Job quality: What is it, why does it matter, and […]
Strategies to Strengthen the People, Performance, and Quality Chain
Session presentation by Graham Lowe at Health Achieve 2009. Tuesday November 17 2009 – 1:30pm to 3:00pm. Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 205 D Presiding: Rob Devitt President & CEO Toronto East General Hospital Achieving High Quality, Performance and Engagement Evidence shows there is a direct link between effective health care and a healthy health care […]
People & Performance: Building Alberta’s Future Construction Workforce
People & Performance: Building Alberta’s Future Construction Workforce is a discussion paper on how the global construction sector is addressing workforce development issues. It makes recommendations for how building trades unions, contractors, clients, government and other industry stakeholders in Alberta can strengthen the links between human resources and industry performance. The paper was commissioned by […]
Is the tide about to turn on workplace stress? The consequences of yesterday’s truths
Keynote presentation by Graham Lowe at the Health, Work & Wellness 2002 Conference. Lake Louise, Alberta. October 7, 2002