Creating a Quality Work Environment: Survey Results

Creating a Quality Work Environment
The Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA) conducted a Work Environment Survey to provide new evidence that can be used constructively to improve the work environments of HSAA members, and through this, contribute to health service excellence in Alberta. The 74-page report, Creating a Quality Work Environment: Results from the HSAA 2006 Work Environment Survey, is a basis for action within workplaces.
The survey provides the most reliable and comprehensive analysis ever conducted in Alberta of health care employees that included HSAA members. It examined work environment factors affecting the quality of work life, individual quality of work-life outcomes, and organizational outcomes.
The full report and a 1-page summary can be downloaded from this site, or at the HSAA website ( Also available on the HSAA website are a survey results for each of 14 employers.
Report text
Report overview

Building High-Trust Cultures: Applying Lessons from Great Workplaces

Graham Lowe and Jen Sulkers will offer this interactive workshop at the Industrial Accident Prevention Association annual conference. Toronto Convention Centre.
A Great Place to Work® is one where employees trust the people they work for, have pride in what they do and enjoy the people with whom they work. Join us for this interactive workshop to explore innovative best practices used by organizations identified by Great Place to Work® Institute’s research for the 2006 Canadian Business list of Best Workplaces in Canada, and similar lists published in the US by Fortune magazine and the Society for Human Resource Management and in the UK by the Financial Times. You will gain an understanding of the transformational process required to create and sustain a trust-based workplace. Apply these principles to your own organization, you will identify the steps needed to build a culture that is high-trust, high-performing, and healthy.

Riding the Age Wave: Designing People Strategies for an Aging Workforce

The aging workforce and retirement of the Baby Boom Generation has been on the radar screen of senior managers for the last decade. Yet despite knowing this age wave is coming, relatively few organizations are ready to respond with creative human resource management strategies that meet emerging workforce challenges. This workshop builds on the best evidence available about retirement plans, career patterns, and work expectations in a rapidly aging workforce.
The workshop will provide participants with a clear understanding of the practical steps they can take to minimize human capital risks and maximize opportunities in the labour market of 2015 – a labour market that could look very different than today if the emerging trend toward delayed retirement accelerates.
This interactive workshop will provide opportunities for shared learning and active participation. Discussions and practical examples will focus on the following challenges employers face:
-Effective strategies for retaining or recruiting older workers.
-Identifying and meeting learning and development needs of older workers.
-Performance management among older workers.
-Flexible HR policies and programs that meet the needs of older and younger workers.
-How older workers can become coaches and mentors.
-Knowledge management and succession planning.
-Developing the next generation of leaders.
-Age differences in work values and job expectations.

The Building Blocks of High-performing Organizations

Workshop for the Centre for Executive and Management Development, University of Alberta. Edmonton. 1-4:30 pm.
To register visit
For more information please contact Sharon at: 780-492-8502 or e-mail:
The concept of a high performing organization is a powerful way of meeting workforce and workplace renewal challenges. Innovation, operational excellence, and exceptional service and product quality depend, more than anything, on a skilled and committed workforce. High-performing organizations treat employees as their core asset, investing in human resource management practices that leverage knowledge and skills in healthy ways. The culture, values, work relationships and leadership of high-performing organizations support learning, participation, work-life balance and wellness, linking these practices to overall business results. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the human resource practices and work systems that contribute to high performance, the documented benefits for employers and employees, and the actions needed to create this kind of organization.