K-12 WORKPLACE WELL-BEING WEBINAR SERIES. Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 1:00 pm (EST) In this one-hour webinar, I will discuss individual and organizational resilience in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar is primarily for school district leaders, school principals and vice-principals, and anyone interested in strengthening team and organizational resilience. Topics include: The […]
Videos & Webinars
Webinar presented by: Dan Bilsker, Merv Gilbert and Graham Lowe Sponsored by the Conference Board of Canada FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2020 @ 2 P.M. ET The COVID-19 pandemic surely is the most daunting organizational challenge managers, HR, wellness and OHS professionals, and employees have ever faced. It has turned day-to-day work practices upside down, threatening […]
How Healthy Organizations Can Plan Now For Post-Pandemic Recovery: webinar recording and slides
You can access the webinar recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liills_bPxs A PDF of the webinar slides can be viewed below:
How Healthy Organizations Support Resilient Workforces
Watch Graham Lowe’s interview with Rob Hislop on “How Healthy Organizations Support Resilient Workforces”
Canadian HR Reporter TV
Graham Lowe talks with Canadian HR Reporter TV’s Amanda Silliker about why it’s important to have a healthy organization and how employers can build one.
ComCare National Conference
Watch Graham Lowe’s talk at the 2014 ComCare National Conference, Melbourne, Australia