Webinar presented by: Dan Bilsker, Merv Gilbert and Graham Lowe

Sponsored by the Conference Board of Canada

FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2020 @ 2 P.M. ET

The COVID-19 pandemic surely is the most daunting organizational challenge managers, HR, wellness and OHS professionals, and employees have ever faced. It has turned day-to-day work practices upside down, threatening the survival of some businesses, and generating pervasive fear and insecurity across the workforce. In this webinar, three workplace experts will discuss how available evidence-based resources, practices and tools can be readily adapted to help organizations and individual employees find their way through this open-ended crisis. The presenters will take a realistic look at what can you do today that will foster the personal and team psychological and social skills needed to position your organization for where you want to be a year from now.


  • Learn how to build and maintain organizational and team resilience.
  • Learn how to address the psychological health and safety of workers and workplaces during the current pandemic…and beyond
  • Understand the importance of trust during turbulent times.
  • Understand the coping skills that build resistance to the impact of intense stress.   

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