New Project on the Evolution of EAP

NEW PROJECT: The Evolution of EAP

 My colleague Dr. Mark Attridge is updating his widely-used Purchaser’s Guide to EAPs, published by the Employee Assistance Society of North America (EASNA) in 2009. Mark is one of the leading experts on the EAP industry. 

As part of his research for this new edition of the Purchaser’s Guide to EAPs,Mark has developed a short survey to obtain input from individuals in Canada and the US who are familiar with the EAP industry. I have offered to send an invitation to Graham Lowe Group e-newsletter subscribers, with the hope that those of you with knowledge of the Canadian or US EAP industry will provide Mark with your views on how EAP has been evolving.  Specifically, this new survey for EASNA asks for your input on two issues: 1) How the employee assistance program (EAP) industry has evolved over the past 30 years; and 2) What themes should be featured as Mark updates the first edition of the Purchaser’s Guide to EAPs.
 The survey will take about 10 minutes of your time.

Here is the LINK TO SURVEY
Or you can paste this link into your browser:

In addition to helping EASNA, you could win a $100 prize for completing the survey.

The 2009 original Purchaser’s Guide is available free at the EAP Digital Archive:

On behalf of Mark and EASNA, I would like to thank your time and input.